Peasants Dance Remixed show is organized by Breakthru Films, producer of the feature-length painted animation “The Peasants” directed by DK Welchman and Hugh Welchman.

Written by Hugh Welchman, Lukasz L.U.C. Rostkowski

Music: Lukasz L.U.C. Rostkowski

Choreography: Daniela Komędera

Costumes: Konrad Bikowski

Director: Pawel “Spider” Pajak

Producers: Hugh Welchman, Łukasz L.U.C. Rostkowski, Tomasz Wochniak, Sean Bobbitt

PR/marketing: Aneta Jabłońska, Grzegorz Betlej

Partners (Show in Wrocław): Miasto Wrocław, Nasz Wrocław, Festival Group, Art Creations.

Media partners: WP.PL, Trójka.

Company details:

Breakthru Show Sp. z o.o.

Cieszyńskiego 15-17

81-881 Sopot

KRS: 0001099033

NIP: 5851504275